I have arrived… The third chick is FINALLY here! After months of procrastination, and an overly busy schedule at times that’s always unpredictable– I’ve finally taken this blog off my back burner, and am now making a more conscious effort to make time for something that I enjoy very, very much. Writing and Food!

A little background about me: I’m born and raised in Santa Rosa, CA (located in Sonoma County’s Wine Country). From the time I was little, I’ve grown up with a mother who was always in the kitchen cooking and baking everything under the sun. She has spent the better part of the last 30 some odd years, perfecting and testing out new recipes. I would say I get my love of food and openness to trying new cuisines from her. Jump to my father’s side: He’s full Iranian, which makes me half, and so growing up, we were always making a wide variety of Persian Food. Just picture various types of stews, usually involving lamb or beef– throw in some saffron and other spices, served over rice, and you basically have an idea of the types of ingredients that are used. Needless to say, I’ll try anything once. I’m a pretty big fan of anything spicy, or that involves a lot of flavor.

Read on for some delicious new recipes to try…Enjoy!