Tolay Lake

I have officially moved my food blog to a new website, Noel’s Noms! Three Chicks Talking About Food will stay up, but I will no longer be posting entries here. In addition to migrating my old entries to the new site, I will be posting new exciting recipes and reviews. Thank you to everyone for checking out this little blog and to my subscribers. I hope to see you at the new location!

For those of you who are new to my blogging adventures, welcome! I was previously blogging here as one of the “Three Chicks”. For a while, there were two authors (one of my girl friends and me) but then just me for a long time. A very long time. I wanted to move to my own space but did not know where to begin. I also knew I could no longer keep writing here. I took an extended break when I lost steam and life got busy. I contemplated getting back into writing as well as the new website (where it should be, what it should look like, how it should change). In the meantime, I was still trying new restaurants and new food, but I was not sharing my experiences like I was before, which felt wrong somehow. Something was missing. I wanted to write.

I started blogging again in February but was not motivated to regularly. I needed a place to call my own, something that was just mine. I had spoken with my husband about it for a while, weighing options, and last night he helped me start the process of putting together a new site, so here we go. I’m off on a new adventure!